Matchkicks offers customized t-shirts and other apparel that are color matched to your favorite pair of sneakers, and printed on demand. With a database of thousands of sneakers, they can outfit any sneakerhead.

Match Kicks, from Lancaster, PA outside of New York, NY came to us with a WooCommerce-based site, a database of thousands of sneakers and hundreds of designs, and a growing fanbase. Unfortunately, the site was painfully slow and often broken with an expensive tech stack to manage the backend. The team had proven that there's a market for sneaker-matched clothing and needed a solid foundation to match their growth plan. Match Kicks wanted to level-up their site by migrating to Shopify to tap into its ease of use and strong ecosystem of apps.

Starting with a site architecture master plan, we custom designed a customer flow through a "sneaker matcher" tool that let visitors find their favorite pair of sneakers from anywhere on the site and color match to t-shirts, hoodies, crop tops, socks, bags, and more. Visitors can start with a shoe and see designs color-matched to it, or start with a design and then pick the shoe they would want to wear with it.

From the custom product page, visitors can choose the color of their t-shirt, or change from a t-shirt to a hoodie, and even see mockups of their shirt on various models, plus other designs color-matched to their chosen shoe.

With so many possible color combinations, Match Kicks would easily outstrip Shopify's product limits. To circumvent these limits, we built a custom Laravel-based backend for the site that matches the databases of sneakers, designs, and t-shirt colors and other products to create each product in Shopify in real time as it's requested by a shopper. Plus, we designed and built a custom UI to manage these databases, so that the Match Kicks team could more easily add newly released sneakers to the site and eventually allow designers to upload their own t-shirt designs.
Now, Match Kicks has a much faster site ready to bring sneaker-matched apparel to sneakerheads across the country.